Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 17(and strong!)

Hi, everyone! It's been forever since I posted! I've been really trying to get this vegan lifestyle down and it does take a lot of planning. School takes a lot of time too. I'm back to blogging though!
Since becoming vegan, I've never felt better! I've lost 14pounds! I honestly couldn't believe it! I can't remember a time when I weighed what I do now. It's just positive reinforcement to keep my vegan life. I've also started to slip out of a depression I had sucumbed to. I wake up now and am excited to be able to see the sun rise( it's absolutely gorgeous, and completely different every morning!).
It wasn't completely butterflies and rainbows before though. The detox I went through(and still going through) was....awkward? I won't lie. Gas and bowel movements became so very regular and irregular at the same time. I didn't want to leave the comfort of my home some days. But those days passed!(thank goodness!). I was a little worried though.... I had researched my heart out about veganism, and I continually came across vegans who had suffered at least mild acne during their detox. My skin was finally starting to look great! I didn't want that to go away! After day 14, I had myself convinced that I wouldn't have to worry about my body going through that. I told myself that I was one of the lucky ones.......
Guess who woke up with three, lovely, obnoxiously large, red breakouts this morning? This lovely girl right here. To say I was aggravated would be an understatement. I was so sure I was in the clear! Of course my body had other plans. Oh well, a few breakouts are nothing compared to the way I'm loving my new journey.
I recently found a new blog that is DEFINITELY worth your time to read! She isn't a vegan(or even a vegetarian), but she is defintely inspiration! And her work outs are pretty great too!


Saturday, December 31, 2011

Day 1

Hi, everyone! So this is my very first blog post! Ah, I can't believe I'm actually doing this! Well I guess I should tell you all about myself and how I've gotten to this point in my life.
I've always had an irrevocable love for animals and nature. Almost five years ago I went to an organic animal farm(It's a local farm where the animals are not treated with any anitbiotics, etc. and they are treated extremely well). As I walked around the farm, looking at all of the animals that were going to be taken to a slaughterhouse any day I asked myself 'Why do they have to die so I can eat?'. I didn't have an answer for myself. I became a vegetarian after that. It took me about a month to completely cut meat from my diet, and since then I've stayed very far away from it.
I was talking with my sister, and she's very into eating legumes/beans/grains/veggies on a daily basis. She asked me if I had gone vegan, and I told her that I had tried it many, many times but I fell off the wagon every time.
Well speeding up to two days ago. I got the idea that I could do it. I could go full-fledge vegan. Why was I refusing to eat animals because of the treatment they get, but I wasn't refusing to drink milk/eat eggs when those animals are suffering just as much(maybe even more because their suffering doesn't last until they're ready to eat, it lasts until the farmer decides they've been around long enough)? So I went vegan.
Today is the first day of 2012! It's actually just after midnight as I write this, but I was too inspired! Haha :) So what is my New Years Resolution, you ask? Well to be a vegan, of course! And to lose weight because I do need to, but this is NOT a weight loss blog! This is a teen-vegan-life blog and the trials & tribulations of becoming a vegan in an omnivore house.
Will you join me on this trip? I sure can't do it alone :)
Here's some mindless facts about me.......
1) I LOVE to cook and bake. It's a very big part of my life, and so finding vegan recipes is an exciting battle for me :)
2) I've recently gotten into crocheting/knitting and it's slightly addicting.
3) I am one of those twilight/harry potter fangirls, but not the kind who camps outside of theaters for hours. I'm the girl who fell in love with the books and watches the movies countlessly. (I can't lie though. I did see the very last Harry Potter movie at midnight. :) My extremely kind and patient Mom took me.)
4) I love baking cupcakes. My friends at school are frequently given cupcakes when I had nothing better to do the night before. Haha
5) I am a gigantic Taylor Swift fan. I would love to see her in concert, but sadly the opportunity has not come up yet.
6) My sock drawer has bunches of knee-high socks. They are a necessity for me as I get cold very often. Plus I think they're cuter than ankle socks.
7) I have a twitter.... Follow me!
8) I nearly always have music playing, and I listen to practically ALL types of music.

Well I think that's enough about me for now. Haha :) Tell me some random facts about you!